

Forgot Details?

Effective Monday, 5/27/2024, all dances will be Mask-OPTIONAL.

Our Health Measures have been revised accordingly.

Volunteers are very welcome for door sitting and clean up slots - on-line sign up is available as well as a sign-up sheet in the hall.

Second, Fourth and some Fifth Mondays 7:30-10:30 pm

Adherence to our varying Health Measures required for admission

You Pick a Price:

$20, 15 or $10

Beginner Session 7:10 pm

To import events into your own calendar or see historical booking info,
a Google Calendar version of the schedule is also available

Download dance flyer (pdf)


Current Schedule
Date Band Caller
1/13/25 Julie Metcalf (fiddle) & multi-instrumentalists Amelia Morgan and Benjamin Foss Tommy Linden
1/27/25 Dave Langford (fiddle) & Max Newman (guitar, piano & foot percussion) Don Veino
2/10/25 Julie Metcalf (fiddle), Tory Horner (fiddle), Max Newman (guitar, piano & foot percussion) Andrew Stout
2/24/25 Crossover Duo [Carol Bittenson (fiddle) & Alex Cumming (accordion, keyboard)] Hannah Jolas
3/10/25 Steven Bluestein (clarinet), Julie Metcalf (fiddle), Cecily Mills (cello) and Abe Joyner-Meyers (guitar) Harris Lapiroff
3/24/25 Audrey Jaber (fiddle), Max Newman (guitar, foot percussion) & Alex Cumming (accordion, keyboard) Julian Blechner
3/31/25 No 5th Monday dance in March - see you in April (no foolin')!  
  Please rest assured - if you don't see any further dates here, it doesn't mean our dance is going away! Please check back again.